“Annabel Alpers, a uniquely engaging oddity who captures NZ’s sense of space and seclusion. A real treasure.” Mojo ****
“… a kind of lo-fi, one woman version of Animal Collective…” Q ***
“…the record is a nebulous dream-like beast which demands that you completely submit to the delicate complexities within and become as enthralled as I was.” Big Cheese ****
“My Electric Family is endlessly inventive and rewarding.” MusicOMH ****
Bachelorette’s Annabel Alpers has a family of synthesizers, keyboards and computers that beam to us all the way from Christchurch, New Zealand. Her third album, My Electric Family was released last year on Drag City and is a hand-woven sci-folk lullaby that delves into your subconscious and hits you right at your electric core!
Alpers stands in the cradle of modern songwriting, that of psychedelic pop music. The sense of infinite possibility felt in those songs, the desire to manipulate a collective sensation to become anything at all, informs Bachelorette’s journey. Her beats, voices, keyboards, and a variety of guitars and percussions to create the melodic constructs we know so well, and delight in, and sing along with, and imagine to.
Her flighty vocals have been compared to Syd Barrett and her multi-tracked harmonies have a Spectorish touch.
Don’t miss one of Bachelotette’s rare UK shows – her songs will be filled with starlight supernova and black hole energies pouring through tales of earthbound love and longing.
UK Dates:
Sunday 25th April – Leeds, Brudenell Social Club (w/ Bear in Heaven)
Monday 26th April – Sheffield, The Harley
Tuesday 27th April – London, White Heat @ Madame Jo Jo’s
Tuesday 4th May – London, Cargo (w/High Places)